Domestic longhaired cat

A domestic longhaired cat is a cat fancy term used to describe a cat with medium or long fur that is not a pedigreed member of a recognized breed. Domestic longhairs come in all the standard cat colours including tabby tortie bi-colored smoke etc. A non-pedigree shorthair is termed a domestic shorthaired cat. Some longhaired cats are not able to maintain their own coat - they must be groomed for at least half an hour per day and preferably bathed every week or two.

* domestic shorthaired cat - A moggy minor is a nickname for a Morris Minor automobile.1
Picturesdomestic long hair domestic longhair cat pictures of Domestic longhaired cat photos of Domestic longhaired cat Domestic longhaired cat wallp...2
is the proper name for any cat with medium or long fur, if it is not a pedigreed member of a recognized breed.3
was brought to the RSPCA with severe burns to his entire body.4
named Josephine, who had produced several litters of typical cats, was injured in an accident involving a car and taken to the veterinary hospital at the University of California.5
* Manx (cat) * List of fictional cats * Russian Blue * American Shorthair * British Shorthair * Turkish Angora 6
was evaluated for a seven-day history of worsening respiratory distress. Serum analysis for feline leukaemia virus antigen was positive.7
Birthday: 10/27/2001 Age: 10 Sex: F Rittman, OH Owner : DebbieC Member Since : 7/24/2008 EVE =^, ,^= Last Logged In : 3/14/2012 Today I Feel Inquisitive My URL : http://www.youpet.8
pictures (1) * Domestic longhaired cat wallpaper (1) * Domestic shorthaired cat pictures (1) * Domestic shorthaired cat wallpaper (1) * Dwarf cats (1) 9

is a subclass of domestic cat (]) Domestic shorthaired cat is a subclass of domestic cat (]) Dragon Li is a subclass of domestic cat (]) European 10
they adopted in 1993. Named for the clumsy comic strip character, Dagwood enjoys bird-watching, drinking from the dehumidifier, and stalking catnip-filled prey.11
UK Cat Breeders & Catteries Cat Web Sites About Cats is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.12
is a cat fancy term used to describe a cat with medium or long fur that is not a pedigreed member of a recognized breed.13
* Street Legal Racing: Redline * Trigraph (orthography) * Albion class landing platform dock * UK railway stations - D * Wh (digraph) * Dž » 14
is presented for evaluation of a maxillary mass protruding from the space normally occupied by the right maxillary canine, tooth 104 (Photo 1).15
is a term used to describe a cat with medium or long hair that is not a pedigreed member of a recognized breed.16
named Josephine, who had produced several litters of typical cats, was injured in a car accident and taken to a laboratory at the University of California.17